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Porridge Recipe For  Our Pressure Cooker 

Beans and grains are very healthy and nutritious to human body than meat and dairy product. They contain rich amount of fiber, carbohydrate, calcium, iron and vitamins but no or little fat and cholesterol.

Just like meat and dairy product, most beans and grains are hard to cook and absorb if not cooked well. But with the great feature of our Pressure Cooker, it only take 30-40 minutes and you are on your way to have delicious and healthy beans and grains porridge ready for you whenever you like!

The following recipe is base on my personal experience and preference. I encourage you to change it with your "experiment" and help me to improve and enrich my "cookbook".

I usually buy beans from variety of grocery store to get all the beans that I can get. For example, you can get Lima beans, great northern beans, red kidney beans, black beans, blackeye peas, pito bean and any other that you are interested in.

I buy grains from oriental grocery store. For example, you can get red sorghum, yellow millet, barley, red bean, green bean, red cargo rice and black rice, dried lotus seeds, peanut...

I will mix all the beans and grains together except red cargo rice and black rice for later use. I would get 1 and 1/4 cup of the mixed beans and grains, then I will get one full cup of rice with 1/3 cup of red cargo rice, black rice and regular white rice each. I will add water to the 10 cup mark and set cooking mode to "meat". I also add dates sometime. You can add or reduce the amount of beans/grains or rice to get the perfect porridge of your choice. Enjoy them!